There is a monster in my head...

If I said there is a monster in my head, would you think I am crazy?
To be clear, I am not talking about a monster under my bed.
I have had my fair share of those, jumping and running for the light switch as fast as you can.
This is a monster in my head, that mostly comes out in the dark of night.
It whispers and sometimes even shouts, in my head on my bed.
It talks of regret and shame, and choices still to be made.
Like nails on a chalkboard, it grates on my soul.
The monster rambles on and on, drowning out truth and hope,
So I try to talk louder in my head on my bed.
I sing, I count backwards, I second guess, I rewrite, I sing, I count, I recite and rewrite,
and still it shouts a list of my failures, a mantra of my losses.
I try to fill every corner of my mind, every nook and crany is loaded up with truth and hope.
Till finally exhausted....
 I scream at the monster, you can't have this brain in my head!
Shout and scream, go right ahead but in the end there is one voice that is louder still.
There is a monster in my head, but a King lives in my heart.

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