

Sometimes, we are holding our breath.
Sometimes our broken little hearts are waiting for the next bad thing to happen,
Sometimes, it happens.
Sometimes, our broken little hearts get beat up.
Sometimes,  but never destroyed.
Sometimes, when we can't breathe for ourselves because the pain is too much....
Sometimes, He breathes for us.
Sometimes, our broken little hearts become somehow bigger
Sometimes,  the cracks from brokeness give room for expansion.
Sometimes, the worst possible things teach us things we would never choose to learn.
Sometimes, when we look past the heartache their is wholeness on the horizon.
Sometimes, when we are holding our breath He is holding our hand.
Sometimes, our broken little hearts get massaged by the Father.
Sometimes, He brings us back to life.
Sometimes, that is called revival.
Sometimes, it's now
Sometimes, it's later
Always, it's right on time.

Be brave sweet friends, this too shall pass.  

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