
Imperfection is beautiful.  There I said it, and I believe it.  Almost fifty years old and I am just now starting to realize that I have bought into some crappy frame of mind that made me always strive for perfection.  Just a little skinnier, just a little prettier, just a little smarter, just a little more spiritual, just a little more of everything.... was making me miss my present joy.

Present joy.  Living happy in the present.  Scripture teaches us about living in the moment, don't look back, don't worry about the future.  Live in the now.  Live full and satisfied, not scared and hungry for life.  Always aching for the more instead of filling up on the now.  This was part of my story.  The caterpillar always trying to be the butterfly.

Crawling back into a cocoon trying to remake myself...good enough.  When your world get's rocked by sorrow, when your faith gets challenged to its very core, when desperation seems to be your constant companion you discover that you will never be enough, but He is.  When all else fails, you come to this has always been HIS to accomplish. My job is just to let love in without fear and allow it to do it's work.

The struggle is over, it was never mine to accomplish.  He is the perfector, I always fail but He never fails. I can trust Him today to gently give me wings to fly.  I can believe that I am enough.  No more striving and struggling....well at least that is my hope.  That's my more striving.  I choose to live in the present joy.  Thankful for what I do have.  Hopeful for whats to come but focused on what is, right now.  So this imperfect butterfly is going to fly.

Won't you join me.  Quit trying to earn love and acceptance.  Find the beauty in the imperfect, live in the now and let the creator lavish His love on you.  You are more than enough, you are perfect in His sight.  Let's do this.  Let's be brave, authentic and vulnerable together.  Let's shed all the layers and fly in the present, live in the joy of NOW!

Love you people.

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