Grief, love, messy life, beautiful memories, new life, hope filled, struggler, overcomer, artist, grief driven, hope giver, writer, lover of God and well crazy authentic ME. Folllow me through contact me at and let me council you to hope and healing. My story can be your story, you can survive the worst and thrive in freedom! It's a BEAUTIFUL journey.
Not too spiritual, just honest. I hate running.
So this morning I got up and went for a run. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I ran through about three minutes of Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger". You know the song...don't act all weird like you never listen to anything but Christian music. After all God created music, I like good music. Christian or not I like a good beat, a good lyric and a great voice. But I digress.
I ran for three minutes. I was winded, my legs were burning and by the way there were hurricane gust winds blowing. My doggie ran circles around my legs and I almost fell and all I could think was.... this is a bad idea. I ran a little ways downhill. Downhill is easier but eventually you have to run back uphill. This is a bad idea.
You ever have a bad idea? It seemed like a good idea, until three minutes in and Kelly Clarksons voice singing out....what doesn't kill you makes you stronger....uuuummmm well, I was thinking this running thing might kill me. Bad idea.
If only I hadn't gotten all inspired yesterday and opened my big fat mouth. Together in His Arms is having their 5K to raise money for families that are dealing with funeral expenses for their child. That is the simplified version, they do so much more but for the sake of this writing I will leave it at that and encourage you to go to their website or facebook for more info. I just got excited and thought it would be great to help raise money in honor of Justin. Sometimes my big ideas get me in trouble.
Anyway so I started thinking about the 5K, started thinking about Justin, started thinking about that eleven years ago I ran a marathon, so what is three and a half miles? Should have just quit thinking. Should have kept it to myself. OOHHH NOOOO I couldn't keep the idea to myself. I started telling people they should run with me. I can do it, we can do it, I tell them. If you can train for a marathon in four months than surely we can train for a 5K in 6 weeks. RIDICULOUS!!!
Yesterday all sorts of positive thoughts were racing through my mind. I can do this. So what if I am having some health problems? My body is not the boss of me...I am the boss of me. I need to have something to focus on, running will be good for me. I should quit talking about getting healthy and start doing something about it. And by doing something about it I mean....don't just watch exercise videos and browse through instagram healthy eating sites. And by watching exercise videos I mean the only thing I am exercising is my eyes and by following healthy eating instagram sites I do not mean I am following them in any other sense of the word. I am not cooking their food only following and occasionally "liking" their food. I am deeply saddened to admit all of this but not as saddened as I am when I realize I don't have all the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies. Anyway, yesterday I thought I could do it.
This morning I gave myself a pep talk, I said to myself as I took off running....I can do anything I want to do! And therein lies the problem.....Three minutes into Kelly Clarksons ode to the power of women, I did not want to run anymore.
Now what am I going to do? I guess I will try again tomorrow but today I am too tired to get off the couch and I want to eat cookie dough while I scratch my eyes out because apparently I am allergic to something that is blowing in the hurricane force winds today.
Wish I would have just kept my mouth shut and if you see me walking at the 5K, don't judge me.
Love you people,
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