Sometimes sadness creeps up on me like an old friend,
wraps me up in a blanket and holds my hand.
Hello old friend, it seems to say.
Hello again, I whisper back.
You can't stay long I have things to do, I tell my friend.
I know, it whispers back.
We sit and hold hands and tears creep down my face.
I'm trying to think of happy things now, you know?
I know, it whispers back.
We sit a while longer like that...entwined together.
Sadness and I, my old friend, my companion through the darkest of times.
You must go, I whisper.
I know, it whispers back.
I have new friends now, places to go, people to love.
I know, it whispers back.
I'm sorry, I am really sorry but you can't stay.
I know, it whispers back.
I feel bad sometimes to not feel sad.
To tell you to leave.
It doesn't mean my love is any less.
It just means that here, on this earth there is still more love to give.
People for me to wrap in a blanket and hold hands with.
I know, it whispers back.
Goodbye, I choke out.
The blanket of sorrow lifts.
I can almost visibly see the clouds parting.
I'm sure we will meet again, I say.
Yes, it says.
Hello there, I say to my new friend.
A smile creeps unto my face,
the heaviness lifts, as I hold hands with my new friend.
Hello there, says my new friend.
I lay my head on His shoulder,
and he laughs gently.
I laugh too.
Hello joy, it's good to see you again.
Grief, love, messy life, beautiful memories, new life, hope filled, struggler, overcomer, artist, grief driven, hope giver, writer, lover of God and well crazy authentic ME. Folllow me through contact me at and let me council you to hope and healing. My story can be your story, you can survive the worst and thrive in freedom! It's a BEAUTIFUL journey.
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