This morning sitting out on my front porch, just a swinging....I feel like breaking into song as I write these words. Okay so I just did. How fun, to just have a song in your heart. But that is not what this is about....
So we were just swinging and playing with our little "Princess". Throwing pinecones and letting her chase them down, her tiny little legs running as fast as she can and then running back with the pinecone clenched tightly in her itty bitty cute mouth then dropping it gently at our feet. Then we would start all over....sounds silly but it is fun for us.
Then my husband threw the pinecone and Princess took off after it and suddenly dug her feet in the ground and almost toppled over as she did everything in her power NOT to touch the pinecone. Her rear legs still in motion, she looked almost like a cartoon doggie as she came to a sudden stop. She circled it, smelled it and then backed away. She turned her head towards us as if to say, I am not so sure about this....Turns out the pinecone had landed in a big pile of poop.
Isn't that the way life is sometimes. You are just running and playing, happy go lucky and suddenly there is a big pile of poop. You just didn't see it coming, I just didn't see it coming. But there it is, messing up the plan, messing up the fun. Somebody elses stuff just starts affecting you. Then we have the choice, the stinking choice. How are we going to respond? Will we quit playing? Will it ruin our day? Will we step into it or keep our distance?
We made Princess stay away from the poop, it was no longer her pinecone to play with. It had been contaminated by the big dog poop. I am not sure what dog the poop belongs to but I know for sure it wasn't hers. She is a tiny little dog, with tiny little poopies, this was a big dog poop. We chose to go looking for another pinecone. I suppose I will go out later today and clean the poop out of the yard and throw the pinecone away. I don't want her to be tempted by it. Like we so often are....
So often in life we get involved in the poop that doesn't belong to us. Rather than changing course, being flexible or looking for whatever the new thing is God has for us. We run full speed ahead into the poop and then wonder why we can't get the stench off us. Poop stinks. Everyone has it, but we don't have to be involved in everyone elses. Let's keep our yard clean and invite them into our yard and help them scrape off the mess. Such a simple lesson....Stay out of the poop, don't step in it. It doesn't belong to you. Let's face it we have enough of our own....hahahaha....
Dear Lord, help us not to step in other people's messes. Help us to stay away from things that are not of you, to have healthy boundries, and when we accidentily step into it will you help us to not let it rob us of our joy. Help us to scrape it off just like we scrape poop off our shoe. Help us to keep the right focus and not take on the stench of this earths poop. Help us to bring the smell of heaven to this earth. Help us be the air freshner for the poop. We declare we are not going to step into it and drag it around with us. No way. Help us Lord to let love lead us in all things. Amen.
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