Grief, love, messy life, beautiful memories, new life, hope filled, struggler, overcomer, artist, grief driven, hope giver, writer, lover of God and well crazy authentic ME. Folllow me through contact me at and let me council you to hope and healing. My story can be your story, you can survive the worst and thrive in freedom! It's a BEAUTIFUL journey.
If you won't slow down....sometimes He will make you!
So for the last few weeks I have been walking a bit like Frankenstein. It all started out harmless enough with a big idea to walk/run a 5k. It all went downhill from there. My gusto proved to be more than my body could stand. Turns out being sedentary for over a year and a half, means you have to take it least when you are almost fifty.
This body did not cooperate. My ankles swelled up, the pain was excruciating and I walked like an old lady. Not that anything is wrong with old ladies, I am after all one of them. It's just that I walk fast, I leave Gary in the dust. Always nagging him to hurry up, not now. Nope. Walking from the car to the restaurant, he can't take it and walks ahead. Three weeks of this and finally it is apparently not going to get better on it's own. No amount of prayer worked so I am assuming God is doing something in this.
Today I saw the podiatrist, who by the way looked like a teenager. I have tendinitis in my ankles and mild bone spurs that might become a problem at some point. The main problem is these tendons on both my ankles that revolted against the idea of walking three miles.
So the Doctors orders: Stay off your feet as much as possible, wear the braces as much as possible, elevate your feet as much as possible. Slow down and give it time to heal.
Me: Whaaaat?(nervous laughter ensues and then my rambling) I can't wear these braces they won't fit in my shoes. How will I dress up? I can't stay off my feet for long, I am really busy....blah, blah, blah........wait....what does as much as possible mean?
Doctor: It means if you have to go to a meeting or must wear heels for something, fine but keep your other shoes with you and change back into the braces when you are done.
Me: Awww man....I don't know if I can do that.
Doctor: I guess it depends on how much you want to get better.
So I guess the point is, I am almost fifty and still vain as all get out. I thought I would outgrow it but apparently not yet. So I act like an idiot and move to fast with the exercising and the natural consequences becomes an opportunity to rid myself of some vanity. Yay, thanks Jesus.
So don't make fun of me when you see me wearing funny shoes, and don't think it's weird if you see me sitting down more, and don't tell me to sit down, that will just make me irritated.
This is the season I try to stay busy. April rolls into May and that includes Justin's Birthday, Mothers Day and Luke graduates. Some happy and some sad. So I will be a bit slower through this season, pray a bit more, read a bit more.....maybe. Or maybe I won't and that will be okay too, unless my tendons tear in which case I would need surgery. Yeah I will probably take it easy for the next six weeks or maybe just a month. Geez it is really hard to commit to that.
Anyway, that's my story on why I am wearing weird shoes and walking a bit funny. The lesson here matter how old you get you still want to wear cute shoes.
No wait, maybe the lesson is sometimes you need to slow down.
Or maybe, the lesson is vanity comes before a hobbling.
Or maybe, it is all about how healing always takes time and willingness.
Maybe it is all of the above.
Love you people. Have a great week, be brave and learn something new!
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Boy can I relate!! Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago for the same reason:P Had to hire a dog walker for my two very active Weimaraners!! Two weeks off my feet and those braces didn't go at all with my outfits:P
ReplyDeletelol. Yep it is no fun!