Grief, love, messy life, beautiful memories, new life, hope filled, struggler, overcomer, artist, grief driven, hope giver, writer, lover of God and well crazy authentic ME. Folllow me through contact me at and let me council you to hope and healing. My story can be your story, you can survive the worst and thrive in freedom! It's a BEAUTIFUL journey.
I am a Peace Flunky!
I search continually for peace. I am a peace flunky. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. I need Him in a world that is full of busyness and crabbiness. In the midst of all the anxiety and pressure to get things done.
Aren't we all suffering to some degree from a lack of peace?
Peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
I can't control the outside of my life. It is a circus to put it mildly. Three dogs, two sons, ministry, job, husband, friends, and let's not forget the messy grief that encompasses it all. Events, work, ministry, reports, teaching, preaching, loving, serving, writing ....not complaining just explaining....
I want peace, but I don't want quiet because in the quiet I get crazy. Anyone know what I mean?
So what is this peace?
Why is it so difficult to find it, to find Him? I have Jesus, so come on....bring on the peace.
Just like in war, peace is hard gained. It comes at a great price. Many lives have been lost to attain peace by war.
Many arguments faught in vain, all in the name of peace. Guilty as charged....
Many trials come and go trying to teach me to hold unto peace. It slips through my fingers like water. Fear creeps into my mind and just like that peace is gone.
It's not that I lose Jesus, it's just that I lose His attribute, my mind slips into a rythm that beats out the peace.
It's just that for me peace is hard to hold unto, the way I am wired seems to work against His gift of peace.
I go into battle mode instead of throwing up a white flag and surrendering or I's that fight or flight thing.
Instead of walking in peace I am warring in my flesh. Overthinking, a hundred different things all at one time. Sweet peace alludes me.
But then...I worship, that is always where I find peace. Where all of me is involved in seeking all of Him.
That is where I encounter the person of peace, the music crowds out the noise in my head, His presence fills the space in my heart, the clamoring of responsiblity quiets down and there in that moment I surrender to the one who is peace.
Hope is restored, balance attained, peace invades my heart, if only for a little while..... till the circus monkeys start again.
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