When I grow up....

When I grow up I want to be happy(its not to late).Not the kind of happy that comes from everything just right, the kind of happy that sits on your heart like a big fat frog, croaking along with the rythm of your life. The kind of happy that fills your moments even in the presence of struggle.  The kind of happy that rubs off on people and points them to the one from whom all joy is found.  This kind of happy can't be bought it is given. We can receive it but then we still have to learn it.  This kind of happy can be taught if we are willing.  It is simple... but the most difficult of things to do.  

Let go of everything, then there is nothing left to figure out and nothing to change because letting go of this world is the only change we need to be happy. Deep huh? 

You see we cant have our eyes on Jesus and our mind on our problems, joy comes through surrender, and a surrendered life is a happy life.  I didn't say perfect...perfect doesn't exist this side of heaven.
Surrendered lovers of God are doing the trusting and loving necessary to create a heart at rest.  Beating happy beats out among their daily lives in rythm with the Fathers heart.  When I grow up I want to be happy...to look into Jesus eyes and not hear anything but love.  I want to leave the worry and restlessness behind, to let go of this world, to quit trying to understand, to quit trying to fix,to just love for that is the answer.  

Jesus isnt interested in my winning all the world so much as He is interested in winning all of me. All of me...not just some, not just when it is easy...all my heart, mind and soul.  True faith is not about what you do but about what you are becoming.  When we have all surrendered, all that we are....that is when the world will be won.  

Preaching to myself...becoming happy in the struggle.  Ribbit, ribbit!  

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