Yesterday at work I heard the girls in the office bickering about pens disappearing. I laughed as I worked, thinking to myself how silly it is that people take our pens. A bit later one of them came in my office to show me something and as we are talking I looked down at my desk and saw four pens! Pens are covering what little surface area is available on my desk. I look at my friend to see if she has noticed, she hasn't. I debate keeping my mouth shut, but then break into laughter unable to contain myself. I confess to her that I seem to have collected an assortment of pens from her office. We laugh and laugh, call the other girl in and laugh some more. I am a pen thief and I didn't even know it! It was comical often am I a sinner and don't even know it?
Sin in our lives, that's right we all have sin in our lives. Big sin, little sin, it doesn't matter it is still sin.
Just like those pens on the desk, it can just show up without us even noticing. A small lie, gossip, envy, a cruel word, an evil thought, sins like these accumulate and before you even notice they are covering the surface of your life. The good news, sin points us straight to our Savior. Reminds us why we need Him. Makes us love Him even more. Those who are forgiven much love much, sometimes we just forget how much we are forgiven each day! He even forgives a thief like me.
Grief, love, messy life, beautiful memories, new life, hope filled, struggler, overcomer, artist, grief driven, hope giver, writer, lover of God and well crazy authentic ME. Folllow me through contact me at and let me council you to hope and healing. My story can be your story, you can survive the worst and thrive in freedom! It's a BEAUTIFUL journey.
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