Hey there tribe!! I had the opportunity to share yesterday at my church. To share hope and my story which reveals the power of hope to get us through any season in life. You know I love to teach, I used to run to the desk when my teacher would leave and teach my class. That teacher didn't appreciate it. Below you will find my notes. Of course, I shared my story intertwined with my notes. Actually didn't use my notes, but still hit the high points (I hope). Forgive typos and the way I write for my messages, I know how goofy it is but it is just me and how I talk. Hope it encourages you and you find something from the Lord that speaks to your heart. Happy hope filled day!! I love you tons.
Let me tell you a little about me before we get started….
Readers Digest of myself…if you could read my story(you can read a lot of it at
debbiehornsby.com…all of it… Let me tell you a quick little bit about me……ADHD tied
in my chair by teacher……artist, writer, ………pastor……….HEART(my story)…Surviving the Sh*t Storms of Life
So today we are talking
about hope, something a know a little about…I have been hopeless in my life and
I have learned to build hope and live in hope so that I wasn’t taken out by the
trials of life.
The apostle Paul wrote in several places about what
hope leads to or adds to: patience, courage,
and joy. It makes us stable, and
we are saved in hope. It is
one of the three things which last
forever: faith, hope, and love.
Hope is the miracle grow to our faith, hope is what gives us the ability to believe in the unseen!
As believers we have the greatest
hope, not just for
the future but for living our daily lives.
Sometimes we
get this hope confused with hope for heaven….we also have hope for today in the
land of the living.
Hope is the
greatest tool for fighting doubt, fear and depression.
I have survived the worst tragedy I
think you can experience, the death of a child.
The fear, doubt and depression that wanted to take me out was monumental…
Over 20
years of building a foundation of hope is what brought me through it. Not in some sticky sweet touch from God but in a daily bloody fight of
trying hard to hold unto hope…It wasn’t pretty…(Share story)
It was however
necessary in order to survive….every word I had treasured was called into
question and I had to make a decision to live in hope, to believe that it would
get better.
You see without hope we make short
sighted decisions for the moment, think jacob and esau…Esau who traded his
birthright for some food…This guy really was HANGRY.
With hope we
are like Abraham willing to obey God to the point of sacrificing his son
because he had the hope of what God would do!
We all need to grow our hope when in
the good seasons…so that we don’t fall in the hard seasons.
Life is built around seasons…
Sometimes seasons don’t seem fruitful
but it may be a season of growing deeper roots. Yay!!! FOR ROOTS
I always had
the faith of a mustard seed…I rarely saw mountains
moved, not for lack of trying but I did see God take me right through the
mountain…and that is what my hope was always in….HE will get to me to the other
side…somehow, someway
Hope waxes
and wanes….none of us are immune…There is no condemnation when we find ourselves struggling to live in hope, it just means we must seek help from people that have hope to share. We need the overflow of hope from others.
All I can
share with you is what has worked for me, what I have learned through the word, my life and through my failures.
This is the
verse we will mostly stay on this morning.
Born into a living hope: (Salvation)
three things last forever…faith, hope and love.
· Build a foundation---knowledge, prayer and reflection
and pass it on
· Faith comes through hearing…
· The character of God…He didn’t
withhold his own son…sovereign, omnipotent, ominipresent,
· My hope comes from HIM….stir up the hope already
deposited in you
· Don’t get spiritual amnesia…remember all He has done
for you since you were born into this living hope. You can always have hope when you look at the
past. (art journal)
Suffer grief in all kinds of trial: Expectations….God
is with us in the fire think the lions den...(example)
Be strong and take heart, all you
who hope in the Lord.
God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted
will never perish.
Romans 8:28 We know…all things…
· Lean into hope
· Be intentional
· Remember—don’t suddenly get spiritual amnesia
· Trust—go back to the knowledge of who God is
· Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the
lord. Psalm 31:24
· All things work together Romans 8:28
· There is always a purpose in the pain/redemption of
Praise through the pain-- Result in
praise, glory and honor:
Power of Encounter to renew hope! To get
a word you can hang onto…Shower story…. We need an encounter...praise brings heaven down....
As for me I will always have hope, I
will praise you more and more Psalm 71:14
Job 13:15 though you slay me…praising
God after Justin died
Though he
slay me, yet will I hope in him;(yet will I praise him)
I will surely[a] defend my ways to his face. (argue my case)
I will surely[a] defend my ways to his face. (argue my case)
This is when you are empowered to make
the most impact!
People are captivated by the Jesus in
you that they see in the worst of times.
Allow hope to shine, speak
hope, draw from the well of what you have seen and heard about the goodness of
God…Don’t quit praising God…Just as you praise Him in the good things (that is
so easy) will you praise him in the difficulties.
I don’t want to sound trite, it is not
easy. It is an act of your will to stop
the cycle of downward spiral that we can all get into but hope is the
answer….hope leads upward…reminding us to look in faith, to live in love even
when the cup we are drinking from is sour. You will live in joy and sometimes that joy will get mixed in with sorrow but you are equipped with all you need to burn the pain out with love, hope and faith.
The goal is to live in hope!!!